Her name is Rio ... . Born from an exciting and highly distinctive combination of American, Norwegian, Dutch and Cuban Havanese breed lines, Rio is rather unique and is already Best of Breed winning!
Adorele are truly delighted to have bred and now show little Rio (Adorele What a Legend)!
And what an exciting start to Rio's show career it has been! Introduced to the UK show scene in 2023, Rio showed her potential being awarded Best Puppy in Breed (Manchester, 2023), Reserve Best Bitch (twice, Paignton, SWKA, 2023), Best Bitch (three times, Bournemouth, City of Birmingham and Richmond, 2023) and most recently Best of Breed (twice, City of Birmingham and Richmond, 2023)!
Rio also did a CRUFTS double! She won the highly competitive Havanese Junior Bitch Class at CRUFTS 2023 and then the Havanese Postgraduate Bitch Class at CRUFTS 2024!
Rio is extensively health tested. She holds a current clear BVA eye test certificate. Rio is also fully genetic health tested and is IVDD clear. She has also been screened for Patella Luxation, receiving the lowest 0-0 scoring, indicating completely normal.
Many thanks to Sonya Hillier and we hope that Rio is making Bumble very proud ... .
Ch Wincroft's Bea-Attitude Of Skyline | ||
AM GCH ASKIN WAIT UNTIL DARK | Ch Askin Steppin' To The Bad Side | |
Ch Breakfast At Tiffany's | ||
Adorele Black Magic | CH Skystar's Sonny | Zodiaka'la Star's Less Is More |
Bailemos Pachanga At Adorele (IMP NLD) | Damian Sanz Peraza | |
Inika Mia Coeur De Masaï |
1st Miles’ Adorele What A Legend, really nice black and white bitch, feminine head with moderate stop, nice dark almond shaped eyes, good scissor bite, straight front with good lay of shoulder. Coat of correct texture, moved very well holding tail set high.
South Wales Kennel Association (SWKA)
1st) Junior Bitch. Adorele What A Legend (Mrs L Miles) parti youngster entering her teenage stage & showing no sign of going through the ‘legs and wings’ as she is so balanced and beautifully made. Super head and intelligent expression, full of herself on the table! Good to go over, well ribbed and firm in topline. Excellent tailset and carriage. ...
Bournemouth Canine Association
1st Miles’ Adorele What A Legend - Beautiful bitch who is of such good breed type. Balanced and of super shape and outline. Good size. Feminine head of good proportions, broad, slightly rounded skull. Moderate stop, clean cheeks and muzzle of good length, strong underjaw, scissor bite. Well pigmented nose, lips and eye-rims. Large, dark eye of good size and set, so full of expression. Correct earset, dropped and framing her pretty face well. Super reach of neck flowing into well laid shoulders, forelegs straight and of quality bone, good chest for age. Body proportions are correct and balanced, well sprung ribs carried well back, short, muscular loin, gentle tuck up, correct rise over her loin. Sound hindquarters. Correct tailset, plume carried well over her back. Coat of correct texture, turned out immaculately as all of this exhibitors dogs were. Moved soundly from all angles with springy steps. Best Bitch (BB).
Paignton & District Fanciers' Association
1st. 'Miles’ Adorele What a Legend. A really lovely black/white/tri parti colour, shes femme with breedy foreface containing moderate stop, dark almond shape eye, perfect scissor bite, body feels firm with well laid shoulder. She’s happy to move with jaunty high tail' (Reserve Best Bitch).
Paignton & District Fanciers' Association - 4 August 2023 to 6 August 2023
Manchester Championship Show
1st: 'Adorele What A Legend. Best Puppy. Quite charming with a delightful temperament. Nicely proportioned head, large eyes, good mouth. Decent forehand. Good body for age. Sound and free moving'.
Manchester Championship Show - 19 January 2023 to 22 August 2023
Show results
- 1st in Postgraduate Bitch Class
- Crufts
- 7 March 2024 to 8 April 2024
- Reserve Best of Sex in Breed (Reserve Best Bitch)
- South Wales Kennel Association (SWKA)
- 12 October 2023
- Best of Breed (BOB)
- Richmond Championship Show
- 8 September 2023 to 10 September 2023
- Best of Breed (BOB)
- City of Birmingham Canine Association Championship Show 31 August - 3 September 2023
- Best of Sex in Breed (Best Bitch)
- Bournemouth Canine Association
- 12 August 2023
- Reserve Best of Sex in Breed (Reserve Best Bitch)
- Paignton & District Fanciers' Association
- 4 August 2023 to 6 August 2023
- 1st in Puppy Bitch Class
- Crufts
- 12 March 2023
- Best Puppy in Breed
- Manchester Championship Show
- 19 January 2023 to 22 August 2023