Best of Breed (BOB)
Judge: Jane Pearman (United Kingdom)
Best of Sex in Breed (Best Dog)
Judge: Jane Pearman (United Kingdom)
1st in Open Dog Class
Judge: Jane Pearman (United Kingdom)
OD 1st Velvet Story n Ba-Da Best Hurricane (Miles & Kobe) A lot to like about this handsome 22 month old male, profusely coated, full of life, lovely temperament. Masculine head, skull broad, strong jaws, correct muzzle, moderate stop, nose and lips black, good ear placement level with eyes. Well muscled neck, shoulders well laid, nice tuck up, good tail carriage, correct length of body, medium boned, well muscled hind quarters. He moved with a springy step around the ring. Was pleased to award him Best Dog and Best of Breed (BOB).
Judge: Mrs Jane Pearman