Reserve Best of Sex in Breed (Reserve Best Dog)
Judge: Claire Mills (United Kingdom)
1st in Puppy Dog Class
Judge: Claire Mills (United Kingdom)
1st Miles & Kobe’s Velvet Story N’Bada Best Hurricane at Adorele - What an exciting start to my judging of the breed today! A 9 month old tricolour who had oodles of confidence and ring presence. Balanced outline and of good size. Handsome head of good proportions, skull broad with slight rounding, muzzle of good length with strong underjaw. Well pigmented throughout. Expressive, almond shaped dark eye of good set giving a pleasing expression. Moderate amount of neck fitting into a sound front with well laid shoulders. Forelegs straight. Correct body proportions, slightly longer than high without being overdone or short on leg, chest developing well, ribs well sprung and carried well back, short loin, level topline which he kept at all times. Hindquarters strong and sound. High set tail carried well over his back well feathered. Puppy coat of good texture, presented very well. Comes alive on the move, sound from all angles with a spring in his step. Loved him ... Couldn’t be denied Reserve Best Dog (RBD) in this quality entry.
Judge: Miss Claire Mills