Lovely day at the Bath Championship Show (25 May 2018).
Our promising youngster Adorele I'm The One (JP) continued his great year so far. Hot on the heels of winning two Best Puppy in Breeds earlier this year (Manchester in January and WELKS in April), our home-bred JP takes another step forward. Adorele I'm the One - in his very first time as a junior - won a competitive Junior Dog Class and went on to be awarded Reserve Best Dog at just 13 months of age at Bath!
He was also joined by his dad, the ever consistent Adorele Fantastic Mr Fox in success - when he came first in the Limit Dog Class making it a truly Adorele family affair.
And Lexie (Adorele A Perfect World) - JP's mom - returned to the show ring after a very long break to win a third in a competitive Limit Bitch Class. Thanks to the judge, Mr K Berry.
Proud as always of our Adorele family of home bred show dogs.